Professor Akira Matsui provides breaking news about another 7000+ BP site with wood and basketry preserved on Kyushu Island, southern Japan (also see his report on the Higashimyo Wet Site dating to this time period below).  His newly reported site is the Yoko-o Site and was covered by eruptions of volcanic ash during these early time periods. The site is an interesting location for trade exchange, involving obsidian.  An abandoned basket was found full with Himeshiman obsidian which must have been brought to this transport center by boat across the sea. His report is attached here: Yoko-o Site, Oita City, Japan 2 8-26-10
Also Professor Matsui has been invited as an advisor at a wet site excavation in Korea from September 7 to 10th. They are excavating a wetland shell midden dating back to 6000-8000 BP. And another important wet site had been reported near this site. Please see the materials on these web sites:, and
He hopes that Korean archaeologists will have success in their wetland archaeology explorations and join us at WARP. Hopefully we can get an update on these wet sites when Professor Matsui returns.
Comment on Yoko-o site, Japan. Interesting report, particularly interesting to see the obsidian in a basket, reminds me of a pack of flint blades we found in Somerset(UK)in peat, all close together interleaved with grass or some other palnt material, but no container surviving, maybe it was skin which wouldn’t have survived in the peat.
Also, the Journal of Wetland Archaeology vol. 8 (2008) has a paper by Fumiaki Takehiro on wetland sites from western Japan, which also deals with the obsidian trade – people might be interested to take a look at that too.