Ed Carriere, Suquamish Elder and Master Basketmaker, and Dale Croes, Wet Site Archaeologist Featured in Suquamish News

Ed Carriere and my trip to the 30th Anniversary of the Wetland Archaeology Research Project (WARP) Conference was featured in his Suquamish Tribal Newspaper, pages 5-6:  Suquamish News, page 5-6 WARP30 .  Their news paper has many other articles you may find interesting too.

Ed truly enjoyed the conference, hearing all the papers and meeting everyone.  We look forward to sharing our work together in the future.

6-29-16  Ed showing our work at WARP30
Ed Carriere showing WARP30 delegates his replication of ancient wet site basketry work at the anniversary conference

Summary of WARP’s 30th Anniversary Meeting, June 28th–July 2, 2016

By WARP30 Co-Organizer, Dr. Benjamin Jennings

6-30-16  WARP30 delegates at Banquet jpg
WARP30 Delegates at Conference Banquet, The Great Victoria Hotel, Bradford

As 2016 marks the 30th anniversary of the Wetland Archaeology Research Project it seemed a great opportunity to hold the latest iteration of the WARP conference series. Having organised the conference at the University of Bradford with Francesco Menotti and great assistance from Dale Croes, I think we can all agree that we are extremely happy and impressed with the conference, which was a great way to celebrate the Wetland Archaeology Research Project, catch up with old colleagues, and meet up and coming early career researchers.

The conference started well with wonderful introductions from Professors Bryony Coles, Barbara Purdy, and Dale Croes. These three papers set the scene and tone for the following two days of, admittedly quite intensive, but highly interesting and informative presentations covering a wide variety of epochs, subjects from archaeozoology to experimental sailing performance of dugout canoes, and from the northern extremities of Scotland and Canada, to Japan, Australia and New Zealand (see full program published below, under Conferences-Exchanges menu category).

6-29-16  Naoto Yamamoto gives talk on Wooden Circles WARP30  2
Dr. Naoto Yamamoto gives talk on Wooden Monumental Circles found in Jomon sites in Central Japan

More than being a scientific programme, the anniversary meeting was intended to offer an opportunity for introductions, networking, and collaboration. The discussions held throughout the conference certainly indicate that this was achieved, and the NewsWARP site will act as platform to continue contact, interaction, collaboration and presentation.

Conferences and meetings are only successful because of the speakers and delegates who attend; on behalf of the conference organising committee and myself, I extend my sincerest thanks and congratulations to all those who attended WARP30. It was truly a pleasure to see you in Bradford, and without your attendance the anniversary meeting would not have been successful! Not only in terms of celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Wetland Archaeology Research Project, or in celebrating the numerous achievements of Professors Bryony and John Coles, but also in terms of encouraging early career researchers to carry the torch of wetland archaeology in the future.

Finally, as we discussed during the closing session of the conference, it is crucial that we remain in contact and make sure that our research gets out there – one way to do this would be to use a keyword in our chosen method of article archiving, e.g. Academia, etc., using a common theme – how about #WARP ?

Once again, thank you for attending WARP30 and making the conference the success that it was, and looking forward to meeting many of you again at WARP30 +1, wherever it may be.


Benjamin Jennings

University of Bradford


WARP30–the 30th Anniversary of the International Wetland Archaeological Research Project (WARP) A Great Success!!!!

Warp cover

6-30-16  Geoffrey Irwin presents ancient boats experiment at WARP 30
Dr. Geoffrey Irwin presents ancient New Zealand boats experiment using recovered wet site examples at WARP 30

From June 28th through July 2nd, 2016 Drs. Francesco Menotti and Ben Jennings hosted the 30th Anniversary of WARP at the University of Bradford, England.  We had three days of great presentation exchanges by the delegates from all over the world.  Bryony Coles, co-founder of WARP with husband John Coles, lead off with a history of WARP and Dale Croes showed how it spread throughout the world to create a much needed exchange among wetland/wet site archaeologists.  We are posting the PDF of the entire conference here for everyone to appreciate:  WARP30 entire program and abstracts of presenters June 28th–July 2nd, 2016, Bradford, England.

6-28-16  Ed, Francesco with his hat, Dale, Barbara and Naoto
Ed Carriere, Suquamish Indian Elder and Master Basketmaker, Francesco Menotti, WARP30 Host with Ed’s Chief Whaler’s hat, Dale Croes, NewsWARP America Coordinator, Senior WARP delegate Barbara Purdy and Naoto Yamamoto, NewsWARP Asia Coordinator 
7-2-16 Excursion group at presentation on how to make cheese at Wensleydale Creamery
Group Excursion Day #2 at presentation on how to make cheese at Wensleydale Creamery

Also in NewsWARP we hope to publish as many of the papers and PowerPoint presentations as PDF, leading off with a great example by  Urs Leuzinger, Department of Archaeology Thurgau (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) and his paper, in English and Swiss (we publish in all languages in NewsWARP) and his PowerPoint PDF:   The Wooden Stone Age – a Paradise for Experimental Archaeologists — please view under the Reports Category in NewsWARP: Urs Leuzinger’s WARP30 Paper/PowerPt.  We hope many other attendees will share their paper/powerpoint PDFs so that this exceptional collection of WARP30 presentations can rapidly be enjoyed and appreciated by all.

Please send other submission to Dale Croes at dcroes444@gmail.com .  A GREAT THANKS to Francesco and Ben for making our 30th a great time together–that WARP has succeeded for 30 years is a real tribute to our wetland/wet site learning community.  We all agreed at the ending session that we need to keep promoting our area of specialty into the archaeological community and WARP now has taken this lead for 30 years!  Thanks                                                         

7-2-16 Famous stone railroad bridge on way to Wensleydale Creamery 2
7-2-16 Famous stone railroad bridge seen on excursion, on way to Wensleydale Creamery
7-2-16 Fountains Abbey
7-2-16 Ruins of Fountains Abbey on WARP30 excursion

CALL FOR Wetland Papers: WAC-8; Kyoto, Japan August 28th–Sept 2nd, 2016


WETLAND SESSION TITLE: Multiproxy Wetland and Lakeside Archaeology: From Constructed Niches to the Anthropocene

Organiser(s): Tony Brown (University of Southampton / UK), Naoto Yamamoto (Nagoya University / Japan) and Hidetaka Bessho (Higashiosaka City Cultural Foundation / Japan)

Type: Symposium

Contact: Tony.Brown@soton.ac.uk

Website link: http://wac8.org/academic-program/accepted-sessions-2/ast10/#t10l

Deadline for paper submission; end of February 2016

Abstract: Archaeological sites in wetlands and lake environments have revealed remarkable aspects of the human past that are out of reach of typical dry-land archaeology. The increasing sophistication of palaeoecological methods from biomarkers to aDNA is also producing remarkable data on human activities from lakes and wetland sites. These environmental archives can also record in unparalleled detail the slow and non-linear transition from human co-habited niches to the ecological dominance that characterises the Anthropocene. Whilst the excavation of wetland sites started in NW Europe, especially on the famous lake villages of Switzerland, it has now expanded worldwide to southern Europe, North America, and even Africa. One of the geographical areas of greatest potential is SE Asia including Japan, where excavations of Jomon sites have revealed both remarkable, but also important, details of past human lives and their relationship to changing environmental conditions. Because of the exceptional importance of environmental data to wetland archaeology its study has always been closely related to palaeoecology and this session will exploit this Ecology-Archaeology synergy. In this session, jointly convened by European and Japanese environmental archaeologists we will address how studies of wetland sites (wetlands and lakes) can contribute to studies of Holocene hunter gatherer lifestyles including plant and animal husbandry, to the history of agriculture worldwide and the relative importance of environmental change at a variety of scales from the short-lived and local ‘events’ to global trends.

Dear Committee. I hope this session will bring together European, American and Japanese archaeologists all interested in the use of palaeoecological and environmental data from wet sites. We aim to go far beyond traditional notions of palaeodiet and life-ways through nutritional analyses, aDNA and modelling.

Keywords: wetlands, lakes, Jomon, palaeodiet, nutrition

Wetland Archaeology Research Project WARP 30th ANNIVERSARY MEETING in Bradford, England!!!!

3othBradford june 28-july 2Bradford

We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary of WARP in 2016 with a celebratory meeting and conference June 28-July 2, 2016 at the University of Bradford in England.  The meeting will include plenary talks from founding members, invited guest speakers, and an open call for papers followed by two days of excursions  to the beautiful Lake District regions. Please put this on your calendar and start planning for our next international gathering to celebrate our 30 year past, current developments and planning our WARP future projects and events.  The host chair is Professor Francesco Menotti, who recently helped produce two Oxford University Press milestone wetland and wet site volumes:  Wetland Archaeology and Beyond:  Theory and Practice (2012), and, edited with Adian O’Sullivan, The Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology (2013) (who both are European Coordinators for NewsWARP).   To follow all developments and plan your participation please go to the WARP30th web site at:  http://warp30.org/ ; you will find information about the developing schedule, registration, Bradford University, England, and planned events.  We all look forward to this important consideration of wetland and wet site archaeology directions, new developments and planning our world-wide future together.  Please help us get out the word to all archaeologists and other interested colleagues and the public.  Follow NewsWARP for WARP30 News!     Untitled-1 copy