From: Paul Bahn <>
Subject: some wetland stuff!
To: “Coles, John” <>
Date: Wednesday, 16 December, 2009, 15:00
Subject: Fourth issue of Macedonian Archaeological News
We are delighted to present the fourth issue of Macedonian Archaeological News.
Its basic purpose is to inform the public in Macedonia and worldwide about current archaeological research, undertaken in Republic of Macedonia.
Contributors for the second issue are:
Pasko Kuzman- Prehistoric Pile-Dwellings at the Ohrid Lake
Pasko Kuzman- Plocha Mishov Grad in the Bay of the Bones
Pasko Kuzman- Penelopa Prehistoric Lake-Dwelling in Ohrid
Valentina Todorovska -Vrbnik – Prehistoric Lake-Dwelling Near Struga
Pasko Kuzman-Bay of the Bombs, Ohrid region
Museum Robevci, Ohrid; Museum, Struga-Estuary of Drim
Pasko Kuzman- The Bay of the Male Goat
The electronic newsletter Macedonian Archaeological News is a joint project of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office of the Republic of Macedonia and the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Euro-Balkan.
We hope you enjoy the visit and continue to support Macedonian Archaeological News.
Yours Sincerely,
Ivana Krajcinovik,
Editorial Board of Macedonian Archaeological News
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