We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary of WARP in 2016 with a celebratory meeting and conference June 28-July 2, 2016 at the University of Bradford in England. The meeting will include plenary talks from founding members, invited guest speakers, and an open call for papers followed by two days of excursions to the beautiful Lake District regions. Please put this on your calendar and start planning for our next international gathering to celebrate our 30 year past, current developments and planning our WARP future projects and events. The host chair is Professor Francesco Menotti, who recently helped produce two Oxford University Press milestone wetland and wet site volumes: Wetland Archaeology and Beyond: Theory and Practice (2012), and, edited with Adian O’Sullivan, The Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology (2013) (who both are European Coordinators for NewsWARP).  To follow all developments and plan your participation please go to the WARP30th web site at:  http://warp30.org/ ; you will find information about the developing schedule, registration, Bradford University, England, and planned events. We all look forward to this important consideration of wetland and wet site archaeology directions, new developments and planning our world-wide future together. Please help us get out the word to all archaeologists and other interested colleagues and the public. Follow NewsWARP for WARP30 News!  Â
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