WARP30–the 30th Anniversary of the International Wetland Archaeological Research Project (WARP) A Great Success!!!!

Warp cover

6-30-16  Geoffrey Irwin presents ancient boats experiment at WARP 30
Dr. Geoffrey Irwin presents ancient New Zealand boats experiment using recovered wet site examples at WARP 30

From June 28th through July 2nd, 2016 Drs. Francesco Menotti and Ben Jennings hosted the 30th Anniversary of WARP at the University of Bradford, England.  We had three days of great presentation exchanges by the delegates from all over the world.  Bryony Coles, co-founder of WARP with husband John Coles, lead off with a history of WARP and Dale Croes showed how it spread throughout the world to create a much needed exchange among wetland/wet site archaeologists.  We are posting the PDF of the entire conference here for everyone to appreciate:  WARP30 entire program and abstracts of presenters June 28th–July 2nd, 2016, Bradford, England.

6-28-16  Ed, Francesco with his hat, Dale, Barbara and Naoto
Ed Carriere, Suquamish Indian Elder and Master Basketmaker, Francesco Menotti, WARP30 Host with Ed’s Chief Whaler’s hat, Dale Croes, NewsWARP America Coordinator, Senior WARP delegate Barbara Purdy and Naoto Yamamoto, NewsWARP Asia Coordinator 
7-2-16 Excursion group at presentation on how to make cheese at Wensleydale Creamery
Group Excursion Day #2 at presentation on how to make cheese at Wensleydale Creamery

Also in NewsWARP we hope to publish as many of the papers and PowerPoint presentations as PDF, leading off with a great example by  Urs Leuzinger, Department of Archaeology Thurgau (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) and his paper, in English and Swiss (we publish in all languages in NewsWARP) and his PowerPoint PDF:   The Wooden Stone Age – a Paradise for Experimental Archaeologists — please view under the Reports Category in NewsWARP: Urs Leuzinger’s WARP30 Paper/PowerPt.  We hope many other attendees will share their paper/powerpoint PDFs so that this exceptional collection of WARP30 presentations can rapidly be enjoyed and appreciated by all.

Please send other submission to Dale Croes at dcroes444@gmail.com .  A GREAT THANKS to Francesco and Ben for making our 30th a great time together–that WARP has succeeded for 30 years is a real tribute to our wetland/wet site learning community.  We all agreed at the ending session that we need to keep promoting our area of specialty into the archaeological community and WARP now has taken this lead for 30 years!  Thanks                                                         

7-2-16 Famous stone railroad bridge on way to Wensleydale Creamery 2
7-2-16 Famous stone railroad bridge seen on excursion, on way to Wensleydale Creamery
7-2-16 Fountains Abbey
7-2-16 Ruins of Fountains Abbey on WARP30 excursion


  1. says

    This looks like it was an interesting and informative conference! Congratulations to NewsWARP for 30 years of sharing wet-site archaeological discoveries from around the world. I appreciate the generosity of the participants in sharing their presentations, and very much look forward to reading them.

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