Nancy Greene has lead a multi-year mapping and research project at Comox Harbour on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada–carefully recording an ancient, distinct, and large intertidal wood stake fish trap complex. The size, shape, numbers and expanse of the trap features are unique for coastal B.C., and possibly for the Northwest Coast.
Nancy presents a well illustrated and laid out PDF of their fish trap complex. Many of the trap features are remarkedly well preserved and display functional attributes. Basketry, a wooden wedge with a cordage collar, and cordage are being stabilized and analyzed at the SPSCC conservation laboratory, and Nancy may have a future report on the analyses of these associated perishable artifacts.
Nancy Greene can be reached at if you would like to network with her further on her fish trap recording project in B.C. Canada. See her PDF at: _WARP web report
This is really wonderful to see. Thanks for posting these excellent maps and images. What is the best way for citing this publication?
Iain: Thanks for posting– I would cite this as a web site publication in with the rest being SAA style guidelines for referencing. These are often peer reviewed (I send around to other co-horts) before posting. THanks, Dale
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Nice job. Thanks for sharing the poster.