Higashimyo Wet Site, Japan, Update and News

Update reports provided by Professor Akira Matsui on the spectacular Higashimyo wet site:

 Higashimyo News 3-5-10  and 


I went to Higashimyo yesterday (3-1-10) and discussed how we could preserved the rest of the site by monitoring the PH, Ev and other chemical conditions.

Importance of this site:  Higashimyo is dated to the late initial Jomon period.  The AMS radiocarbon date of a basket made of Aphananthe aspera is 6976 + 36 BP (5891-5790 yrcalBC).

Finding so many Initial Jomon shell middens is an exceptional incident in this country.  The scale of the site is one of the largest in western Japan.  It is also rare and academically valuable that settlements, a grave yard, shell middens, and storage pits were found at the same time.  Some of the unearthed artifacts such as ornaments made of shell and animal bones are especially uncommon.  The baskets and wooden containers are the oldest found in the country.  Discovery of these artifacts has a dramatic impact on our image of initial Jomon culture.  While shell middens in Japan have rarely been excavated as thoroughly as we have done at this site, it is expected that various articles from this site will provide us with important clues to understanding ancient lifestyles and cultures.

In the belief that the Higashimyo Site is one of the rare and very important archaeological sites in the country, studies toward the preservation of Middens No. 3 and 6 has commenced.


Director of Center for Archaeological Operations Independent Administrative Institution National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Nara National Cultural Properties Research Institute 2-9-1, Nijo-cho, Nara 630-8577 Japan

Tel.+81-(0)742-30-6851 Fax.+81-(0)742-30-6856 herald@nabunken.go.jp  Also, Professor of Environmental Archaeology Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studuies, Kyoto University

[NOTE:  Also see the Japan–Northwest Coast Exchange report on U.S./Canadian wet site archaeologists visit to these collections and the site under CONFERENCES–EXCHANGES menu above]

Underwater Archaeology and the Future of Submerged European Prehistory


Though the deadline for the Call for Papers is past, we wanted to announce this upcoming Oxbow Books publication.

The publication will be based upon, but not exclusive to papers presented at: EAA 15th Annual Meeting: September 17, 2009 – Riva del Garda, Italy Underwater archaeology and the future of submerged European prehistory.

Major events of human prehistory, such as the post-glacial recolonization of Northern Europe and the spread of agriculture though the Mediterranean, took place across landscapes that are now, at least partially, underwater — the consequence of global sea-level rise and regional crustal subsidence since the Late Pleistocene. Much of the submerged landscapes lie at depths accessible to divers and can be investigated archaeologically. Prehistoric underwater research has emerged in recent decades from the western Baltic to the eastern Mediterranean and methodology can be  applied to coastal regions throughout Europe and its surrounding environs. Moreover, there is a growing awareness of the potential for underwater archaeology to transform our ideas about key events in prehistory.

SPSCC Wood/Fiber and Charcoal ID Service

SPSCC offers the following services:

  • Archaeological Macroflora, Shellfish, Charcoal, Wood, and Fiber Cellular ID Identification
  • Analysis of Artifacts, wood chips, split wood, basketry waste, and lithic debitage
  • Conservation of basketry, cordage and wooden artifacts
  • Basketry replication
  • Training in cleaning, conservation and storage of
    perishable wood and fiber artifacts

see brochure:

Anthro_brochure (2) 4-3-08

Macedonia Archaeological News including Wetlands


From: Paul Bahn <pgbahn@anlabyrd.karoo.co.uk>

Subject: some wetland stuff!

To: “Coles, John” <jmcoles@btinternet.com>

Date: Wednesday, 16 December, 2009, 15:00

Subject: Fourth issue of Macedonian Archaeological News

We are delighted to present the fourth issue of Macedonian Archaeological News.


Its basic purpose is to inform the public in Macedonia and worldwide about current archaeological research, undertaken in Republic of Macedonia.

Contributors for the second issue are:

Pasko Kuzman- Prehistoric Pile-Dwellings at the Ohrid Lake

Pasko Kuzman- Plocha Mishov Grad in the Bay of the Bones

Pasko Kuzman- Penelopa Prehistoric Lake-Dwelling in Ohrid

Valentina Todorovska -Vrbnik – Prehistoric Lake-Dwelling Near Struga

Pasko Kuzman-Bay of the Bombs, Ohrid region

Museum Robevci, Ohrid; Museum, Struga-Estuary of Drim

Pasko Kuzman- The Bay of the Male Goat

The electronic newsletter Macedonian Archaeological News is a joint project of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office of the Republic of Macedonia and the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Euro-Balkan.

We hope you enjoy the visit and continue to support Macedonian Archaeological News.

Yours Sincerely,

Ivana Krajcinovik,


Editorial Board of Macedonian Archaeological News
