Toy Canoe from Ozette Wet Site–reply to Alan Hoover

Alan and all:  I have some pictures of a toy canoe being excavated from the Ozette Village wet site houses and will post them here.  Does anyone else from around the world have toy canoes from their wet sites?  Certainly museums have several models made when canoes were remembered in this manner and sold as tourist items (one Makah model from US Smithsonian Museum pictured here). 

Today there has been a big revival of canoe carving and journeys along the Northwest Coast–called Canoe Journeys or Paddles.  The next one is a Paddle to Quinault this summer.  Thousands of mostly Native Peoples attend–all are welcome for a week of Potlatching.  Akira Matsui and his friends frequently visit our sites during the Canoe Journey (see his report here from last summer) so they can attend these huge celebrations. 

 A good web site from last year’s Paddle to Squaxin–the community I worked with on the Qwu?gwes Wet site–is: and view their amazing photo gallery–and come this summer.  We can all camp together on the Washington West Coast for a week of celebration!  Aidan can bring his kids!  And Francesco can work on his new book–it will be an official NewsWARP Coordinator meeting with Akira and friends.  Dale

The Oxford Handbook of WETLAND ARCHAEOLOGY is Now OUT!

Congratulations to Aidan O’Sullivan, Conor McDermott, Rob Sands and Steve Davis, editor an authors of Menotti, F. & O’Sullivan, A. (eds. 2013) The Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology. OUP, Oxford; 64 authors from Europe, North and South America, Russia, China, Africa and SE Asia, Australasia, writing 54 essays on wetland archaeology and environments across the world. Available now to order at  SEE TABLE OF CONTENTS:  TABLE OF CONTENTS Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology  

Hakai Ancient Landscape, Central British Columbia Coast, Canada

Duncan McLaren, University of Victoria, B.C., Canada has submitted his preliminary report on wetland archaeological survey and coring work and wood and fiber artifact discoveries at an early Holocene site (over 7000 calendar years before present at base of shell midden).  One piece is a large wooden needle possible used to weave eel or dune grass (see Figures 19-21).  Any thoughts about the use of this kind of large wooden needle?  Appears similar to what is called an eelgrass needle in some parts of the world.

The site is in traditional Bella Bella–Heiltsuk Kwakwakiwak native territory. We hope to report more on this site as the analysis proceeds:  Hakai Ancient Landscape Archaeology Project Briefing Note July 2012

Journal of Wetland Archaeology: Open Call for Papers

Having just issued JWA Volume 11 as a special issue dedicated to recent studies of the world famous wetland site at Star Carr, Volume 12 is now open for papers on any topic in wetland archaeology from methodology to synthesis and theory. All periods and all geographic regions are covered. Contributions may take the form of substantial research papers (normally up to 6000 words in length) or shorter papers (up to 3000 words in length). JWA will also consider longer site-based papers up to 12,000 words in length by agreement with the editor. Short papers may include notes on new techniques, philosophical discussions, current controversies and suggestions for new research, as well as conventional research papers. Preliminary discussions with the Editor are encouraged.

Managing Editor: Tony Brown (PLUS, University of Southampton) Email:

 See Also the WARP and PLUS Websites;

Celebrating 90 years of Dr. Richard Daugherty’s Visions

Dr. Richard Daugherty, world recognized wetland site pioneer and the director of the Ozette Village wet site on the Northwest Coast of North America, was joined by his students from across the United States and Canada and Makah Indian Nation members to celebrate his 90th birthday, March 20th, 2012 in Olympia, Washington USA. 

Photographs from the gathering and a YouTube video are presented here for those who could not attend.  Ruth Kirk Daugherty, his wife, worked with the organizing committee to be sure he was surprised.

Dr. Richard Daugherty is a pioneer in developing wet site archaeology through the recovery of several ancient Makah houses that had been caught under a mudslide approximately 300 years ago.  He initiated some of the first equal partnerships developed between Indian Tribes and archaeologists while working on Ozette wet site with the Makah Indian Nation.  At Washington State University he pioneered a multidisciplinary approach to archaeology in developing the Quaternary Program, involving a faculty of Anthropologists, Zoologists, Botanist, Soils Scientists and Geologist.  He was instrumental in spearheading much of the U.S. legislation of the past 50 years that protects and preserved cultural resources–working directly with legislatures and legislative committees.

Below are photographs highlighting Celebrating 90 years of Doc’s Visions and the YouTube video of the celebration, the presentations and the Makah Tribal tribute:

click here for YouTube: